Message from the Riverkeeper
The Indian River gives to us all. The estimated annual economic value of the Indian River lagoon is $3,725,900,000. That is a staggering economic impact that affects both the communities and economies from Titusville all the way down to Jupiter. Everyone along Indian River lagoon is directly dependant upon the health and vigor of the ecosystem. We must demand clean water. Every single one of us via our, property values, wages, tax bases, services, recreation or our direct livelihoods, benefits from our association with the lagoon. Essentially, everything about our way of life here is enhanced and given greater value due to the influence of the Indian River lagoon. Every salesman, clerk, realtor, car or boat dealership, bank, grocery store, mom and pop enterprise, auto repair and sandwich shop is touched by, and lives better, because of that money. Every one should be demanding clean water.
Most folks go about their daily lives never considering the impact that clean water, and a healthy vibrant estuary, has on their own lives. A strong part of my advocacy will be devoted to delivering this message to those now unconcerned or uninvolved. I can only be so effective by myself; I need YOUR help, if we are to bring about any meaningful changes to the quality of water flowing into the Indian River ecosystem. There is great power in numbers, the more collective voices there are, the greater the pressure on our political leaders to represent US, to provide the ordinances and restrictions that will provide clean storm water runoff and stop the damaging Okeechobee Lake discharges. Please join us in our battle by becoming a member, and volunteering to help. You CAN make a difference by demanding clean water.
Like many ecosystems worldwide, our lagoon is in trouble. Water management, drainage and land use policies have chipped away at the very things that protect our waters. We have made many mistakes over the years and they are now coming back to haunt us by killing our beautiful estuary. We are near a tipping point. Large infusions of dirty tainted storm water and agricultural runoff from watersheds not naturally connected to the lagoon, are taking a heavy toll. Once again, the threat of more dirty Okeechobee Lake discharges loom on the horizon. Isaac hurt us, but tidal flush has started to return some of the salinity to the St. Lucie estuary and things are starting to improve. And they will continue to do so, if there are NO lake discharges. If enough of you get involved and demand clean water, we can make it happen.